Survey Calendar

With Spring in the air and literally just around the corner, we thought it would be a good time to share with you this very handy Ecological Survey Calendar, created by our Project Manager, Cara Evans.

One of the most common enquiry’s is “what is the best time for Bat surveys”? As you can see from the sheet, May to the end of August is optimal for Bat Emergence surveys. Although the caveat is, with the seasons seemingly coming earlier as each year passes, it may be possible to start in April dependent purely on the weather. With the new guidelines introduced for Bat Surveys in September 2023, a three week period is now recommended in-between each survey.

If you would like a copy of this calendar or you require any Bat surveys or other protected species surveys or have any ecological planning enquiries, please contact us via the button on our home page.


The Decline of the Little Owl


New Bat Survey Guidelines