Bat Surveys
Initial bat scoping surveys are aimed at identifying the potential for bat activity within buildings, bridges and trees. This information is needed to inform the planning process. Leigh Ecology carries out a number of bat surveys including:
Day-time bat surveys, including an initial habitat assessment (the potential of the site to support roosting, commuting and foraging bats) and an inspection of all potential bat roosting structures
Bat emergence surveys to assess the species and numbers of bats leaving potential roosting sites
Return surveys to assess the species and number of bats swarming or returning to potential roosting structures
Bat activity surveys to evaluate the commuting and foraging activities of bats
Underground site surveys and tree surveys to assess for bat roosting or hibernation potential
A Bat Development Licence, granted by Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural Resources Wales or Natural England, is required before the commencement of any development that might affect bats or their roosts.
Leigh Ecology can apply for a licence on your behalf and propose a detailed mitigation strategy for the site, involving provisions of alternative bat roosting sites and commuting and foraging grounds for the future. Bat mitigation strategies can include the erection of bat boxes, a dedicated bat attic or a purpose built bat roost. Mitigation strategies for foraging and/or commuting bats may include the retention of vegetation in-situ or the addition of a planting scheme within landscaping proposals.
Leigh Ecology is an accredited company able to offer bat mitigation class licences (BMCL) from Natural England. If the conditions are met, this licence enables a more cost effective and streamlined route to commencement of planned works.
Please use the form below if you have any questions regarding our Bat surveys, our services or your own project.